My Daily Happy Habits

If you’ve been following Fab and I on Instagram over the last couple of months, you’ll know that we’ve introduced a few new habits into our routine, to help us feel more settled and grounded throughout the uncertainty of Corona. I’d love to hear if you’ve been doing the same, and would love any recommendations of fun and/or fulfilling activities.

Side-note on CV: when we re-started our travels at the beginning of the year, I remember seeing a post on a Sri Lankan backpackers group that warned about someone staying in a hostel contracting CV. We managed to make our way all the way down to the South of Vietnam before we really realised the true scale of the virus and how it could impact our journey. But still, we made it to Bali where we filled out a little form declaring our health to be fine on arrival, and even journeyed through the Philippines before it really took a hold on the immediate world around us, as well as affecting our loved humans and spaces back home. I never envisaged having so much time on our hands - literally, we were meant to have spent my birthday in Amsterdam and be heading back to work by the beginning of May. How things change!


Anyway, we’re making the most of our little island home, beginning our mornings with a cup of coffee, usually talking about my dreams or any thoughts we’ve had before falling asleep. Sometimes we listen to a gooey podcast full of inspiration and guiding positivity to new levels [Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations, Brene Brown, Expanded, Mark Groves, Goop, Deliciously Ella]. Since resources can be limited here, I learned how to make fresh coconut milk to top up our coffees, as well as making energy balls to munch at any time throughout the day - although they’re certainly a joy to wake up to. I’ll share some recipes for these soon, but I’m still experimenting with the best consistency.

When we’re ready, we’ll get our butts into action with some exercise. If you told me even three months ago that I’d be waking up at 7.30am out of choice every day to get moving, I’d have laughed in your face. It turns out, though, the rumours are true - exercise really does make your day 100% better from the get-go. I’ve been partaking in a lot of online yoga practices, on IGTV [my favourite at the moment is Jaime, who offers such an amazing range of classes throughout the week], using the Deliciously Ella app for a short burst or cruising through YouTube… It’s pretty accessible if you take your time to find the style of yoga you’re looking for.

I’ve also been feeling more creative with my own flows than I have in years - these videos plus my training have definitely inspired me to try new things, put on music and listen to where my body wants to take me. I think it’s also really important to take some time before or afterwards, to breathe. It can be pretty difficult to give yourself a full savasana, especially when there are other things to get on with - but we have all the time in the world right now, and this will do your body so much good, giving you time to heal, process and enjoy all the sensations running though your muscles. I also have to give a huge shout-out to Boxin Business, whose classes I adore back home in Jersey. Throughout lockdown, they’re offering 4 IGTV classes a week, so we can get jumping and grooving to their tunes alongside all our friends (apres-FaceTime is mandatory!)


Making food has become much more of a happy habit for me; for the last 23 years of my life I was guilty of being the gal who eats the same oats for brunch 5 days a week, toast for dinner 2 nights a week and snacks on fresh or dried fruit with a wide array of nuts. Add in some hummus, crisps, pasta and dal and you’ve pretty much covered my old diet. I don’t think I even realised I was in such a rut with cooking until it came to having our own kitchen here in Siargao and the - albeit limited - facilities to experiment with. Even Fab, who has always been able to whip up the most incredible grub before I can think of what I even fancy, is making yoghurt these days. Who even does that!? As well as noodles, these healthy burgers ^ and so many different salads, it’s pretty incredible how I’ve never felt more inspired to feed my body good food. As a result of this plus exercise, I’ve let go of most body insecurities or feelings that I ‘shouldn’t’ eat something. I also know that I’ve always had a sweet tooth, so I’m gonna go ahead and enjoy that extra spoonful of peanut butter or 11am gelato treat, too!

Something else that might be linked to my newfound body-love, is our exploration of daily gratitude, appreciating ourselves fully and discovering what it means to be mindful. If you’re interested in this, I listened to the most incredible podcast when I was ill with a parasite in Bali (and it might have been the best thing I did!) I made endless notes on what mindfulness actually is, and how society has changed its meaning into something we don’t even understand anymore. I won’t try to explain it - you should just go and listen to it. From this one hour of listening, I have learned so much about presence, gratitude for each moment and taking the time to recognise what I am thankful for every day, including myself. Fab suggested an activity of taking a moment to list what we’re grateful for each night before we eat, and somehow each bite is so much more fulfilling when you’ve started the meal on such a positive note.

As well as listing out loud, journalling is another ritual that I have introduced into my weekly habits. I find it’s such a cathartic way to get all my stresses out of my head and onto paper - where I can see the logic, identify the problems and easily find a solution [or close-to] for any issues that are whirling round in my mind. I’ve seen a lot of Instagram posts that also mention how fun it will be to record this time and look back on it in the future, when CV is a thing of the past. I don’t tend to look back through my diaries, but in this strange circumstance, I agree it will make us so grateful for the freedom that will [fingers crossed] soon be coming our way.

Have you formed any new habits, consciously or out of nowhere, that are helping you through the time of CV? I’d love to hear.

Big love x